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Q & A

  • I'm looking for a particular type of dog or you don't have one suitable for me at present, could you let me know when one comes into the centre? +

    We receive a large number of phone calls and emails every day so it can be difficult trying to remember specific requests, however, our website is updated automatically from the dogs records so is always up to date. Of course you can call us to discuss individual dogs Read More
  • Do I need to make an appointment and what do I need to bring? +

    All visits to meet a dog are by appointment. The first step in the process is to visit the How Do I Adopt Page and complete the Online Adoption Form. These are then reviewed and a member of The Adoptions Team will contact you if they wish to discuss further and arrange an appointment. We are unable to contact everyone who completes an Adoption Form. Having done so please do keep an eye on the website and if you see any dog you would like to be considered for just email with your name, postcode and the dogs name to register that interest. Please don't enquire about visiting before the adoption form has been completed and the Adoption Team has contacted you. We are trying to give everyone an opportunity to apply for dogs. Even though we might not call you, please do remember you can email regarding any dogs you may be interested in, once you have completed the adoption form. We ask for proof of ID such as a driving licence or utility bill which shows your name and full address.  If you live in rented property we do need to see a copy of your landlords permission allowing you to keep a dog, please attach that when completing your Online Adoption Form Read More
  • Do all of the family need to come to meet the dogs? +

    We realise it can sometimes be difficult for everyone who will be part of the dogs life to come along but we do feel it is important that everyone is involved in the rehoming process so ask that everyone does meet the dog at the centre. In certain circumstances where a member of the family is unable to visit at all we may ask to speak personally to them just to ensure they are comfortable not only with rehoming a dog but the particular dog concerned before completing the adoption procedure Read More
  • What charges are involved in homing a dog from BCT? +

    We do have to ask for a fee when rehoming a dog. As a registered charity we are not funded by central or local government and have to raise all our finances ourselves. The adoption fee for each dog will be indicated on the dogs details and depend on factors such as the dogs age, if the dog has been neutered or not, known medical issues etc. Any donation above the fee is greatfully received. Read More
  • Can we take the dog the same day? +

    Because we have visitors from all over the UK we have to accept that for some customers, travelling between 100 and 200 miles 2 or 3 times is difficult. Therefore our procedures have been geared to ensure that although we will rehome a dog on the same day (as long as there are no specific reasons not to - such as the time the dog has been with us, a dog on medication or due to see our Vet) we do our very best to make sure the dog is suitable for you and your circumstances. You are under no pressure to rush the process and we often have people at the centre for 2 hours or more. This is an important decision and not to be rushed by either you or our staff. We will reserve a dog for a few days if you wish to consider further or need to make arrangements or preparations for your new dog. Do consider how you will transport the dog home. The dog may be nervous and certainly stressed with "new" people. We recommend always carrying dogs in a vehicle behind a secure dog guard or in a dog crate. Some female dogs may have to be neutered before they can be rehomed but you can of course meet them and reserve Read More
  • Can I reserve a dog for a couple of weeks as I'm going on holiday? +

    Whilst we don't want to rush rehoming any of our dogs we are under constant pressure for kennel space. Dogs deserve to be in the right home as soon as possible, so for that reason if you do have a holiday planned in the very near future we would suggest you come along and see us after your holiday. You may think of taking the dog with you please see the question below about allowing time for the dog to adjust to the new home - taking him/her off a short while after rehoming could be too much, too soon. We will of course reserve a dog for a few days if there are things to arrange before the dog can come home with you. Read More
  • Do you ever have pups? +

    Yes we do. Unlike older dogs (from 6 months upwards) we never know when we might be asked to help a litter of pups and they will usually arrive within days of a call to our centre. We sometimes have 2 or 3 litters arrive close together then we might have a few months without any. The Dogs For Rehoming section of the website will always contain details of all the dogs available, including pups, so please check regularly. Older dogs are queuing up to come in for rehoming so please consider carefully whether you really need a pup. Every older dog with us was a pup and yet still needs our help - and yours - to find a new home. This isn't always because the dog has problems but often because a pup is just too demanding - despite previous experience of the breed. Read More
  • Can you guarantee a dog won't have problems/will be good with children/traffic etc? +

    We are honest with all the information we have about any dog we rehome. An assessment will be carried out based on not only the history the dog came with but also our own observations in the time the dog has been with us. As with any assessment it must be remembered it is only really relevant in the situation in which it was carried out and a dog may behave better or worse in any area once in a different environment. There can be no guarantee only an honest estimation of the characteristics of each dog. Read More
  • Why don't you do homechecks? +

    We do reserve the right to carry out homechecks but it is surprising how emotive this subject can be and the importance that some place on homechecks. We would simply ask you to consider our view. Because we deal with a specific breed we attract potential new owners from all over the UK. Some will travel hundreds of miles to look for a new companion. Many other rescues deal with all breeds and usually have a "catchment area" for their new owners. It is therefore easier from a practical point of view for them to carry out homechecks. There is another big difference - many rescue centres allow you to walk around viewing the dogs and if you are interested in a particular dog they will reserve it for you until the homecheck has been done, this often includes looking not only at your home but also the suitability of you and your family. Our staff know the dogs, and having spent some time with you, can glean all the relevant information about your circumstances to ensure we are satisfied everything is in order. The only reason to do a homecheck would be to check your garden is secure. As a "security measure" we do ask for some type of address verification such as Driving Licence or Utility Bill to be seen prior to rehoming. Read More
  • But how do you know if the house/garden is secure? +

    Checking security is similar to a vehicle MOT test. It's only valid on the day it's done. Who is to say the fence won't be damaged in a few days? How can we know if someone will leave the gate open once the dog is home? This is the small area of honesty we expect from responsible people who visit us and we do discuss security during the rehoming. We don't have the luxury of volunteers dotted all over the UK to do these checks and we feel that in any event it would be a waste of valuable financial resources. Everything we need to know about you and your circumstances is gathered by our staff during your visit to our centre Read More
  • Can I adopt if I live in rented property? +

    We are quite happy to consider new owners who live in rented property but we will require written proof from your landlord (including their contact details) that you have their permission to own a dog.This should be brought with you when you visit or it can be emailed to Read More
  • I have an un-neutered dog, is that a problem? +

    Our rehoming process is flexible, but rehoming an un-neutered male in a home where there is an un-neutered female or vice versa is not something we are comfortable with doing for obvious reasons. We would be prepared though to reserve in order that we could get him/her neutered or until you could arrange neutering for your dog. However, there are circumstances where this may not be practical Read More
  • What should we do when we get our new dog home +

    You may have read that it takes about two weeks for a dog to adjust to a new home, this may be true of a very well adjusted dog with no trauma or stress to cope with, it can take many weeks or months. This doesn't mean lots of work but patience and consistency are most important. Please do read the information given with the homing paperwork. The most important piece of advice is to have no expectations, think of the dog as if it were a puppy and anything it does know is a bonus. Please don't put the dog under pressure ie. having lots of visitors, taking for long walks etc. Give the dog plenty of time (at least 7 days) to adjust to its new home and family before introducing new people, things and places and then do so gradually. Read More
  • What if we have problems with the dog or feel we can't cope? +

    We will always offer advice and support to help you overcome problems during the inital settling in period or at anytime in the future. If necessary we can meet you at the centre to discuss issues or concerns. Please remember that ownership has passed to you at the time of rehoming and whilst we will always endeavour to assist in having a dog returned to us at any time during its life there are situations such as serious aggression towards people that may make rehoming unlikely and we will discuss all options with you. Read More
  • I've got another question that isn't answered here. +

    Please phone our office on 01889 577058 Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm or email us and we'll do our best to help. At weekends and Bank Holidays the phone is diverted to a mobile with members of staff who may be busy with customers or dogs so if there's no reply please try again later (there is no answerphone facility at weekends or Bank Holidays) Read More
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You may have read that it takes about two weeks for a dog to adjust to a new home, this may be true of a very well adjusted dog with no trauma or stress to cope with, it can take many weeks or months. This doesn't mean lots of work but patience and consistency are most important. Please do read the information given with the homing paperwork. The most important piece of advice is to have no expectations, think of the dog as if it were a puppy and anything it does know is a bonus. Please don't put the dog under pressure ie. having lots of visitors, taking for long walks etc. Give the dog plenty of time (at least 7 days) to adjust to its new home and family before introducing new people, things and places and then do so gradually.