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Latest update December 2024 - first time reader? Click here to start from the beginning

December 2024 

Throughout this whole saga there's been a number of highlights. The latest is the financial cost in negotiating/fighting/protecting and preserving our future and this month we certainly passed a milestone. Current costs - £236,000. Yes of course much of this relates to the field we purchased as there was no real support from HS2. Expense we now didn't need to spend, but at least offers an element of protection.  

Is this story over? Who knows, watch this space.........


In January 2013 plans and route details for the HS2 High Speed Railway were released and it certainly came as something of a shock to discover that we now faced the prospect of a high speed railway running at the edge of our property. Our concerns were based on the sensitive nature of the dogs we rescue who can be seriously affected by noise, vibration etc. 

The following is a diary of events, the whole topic is an emotive one and of course the following is our version of events but we truly believe an honest and true reflection of what has taken place. 

2015 - 2017

By 2015 plans had become much more detailed and it was now clear that the effect on our centre and work would be significant. We engaged the services of Chartered Surveyors, Fisher German, in January 2016 to advise us and act on our behalf in negotiations with HS2 to explain these concerns and to begin discussions on finding solutions. We responded expeditiously to any requests for information and to allow HS2 access to the property for impact and any associated surveys.

In July 2017 further changes to the plans revealed that we now faced losing at least 50% of our exercise paddock which would be required for the re-routing of a local lane, Moor Lane. This loss of land meant that in addition to the effects of the railway we now had a serious reduction in the land available to us to carry out the welfare needs of the dogs in our care and it was clearly apparent that our own relocation appeared the only way forward.


Despite further discussions no further progress was made until February  when, after taking advice from Fisher German, they submitted a Blight Notice, on our behalf, on HS2.

On 5th June the Blight Notice was rejected on the basis that because the premises consisted of a business aspect but also a domestic house (owned by the Trust) the notice did not relate to a single hereditament. 

Whilst consideration was being given to an appeal, HS2 then offered to meet us again to discuss a way forward.

On the 11th September 2018 a meeting was held at Border Collie Trust with several representatives from HS2, Fisher German and ourselves. As a result of that meeting HS2 agreed to purchase the property subject to us withdrawing our appeal to the Upper Tribunal. There was without doubt a verbal understanding expressed  by HS2 of our unique situation and the need for us to be able to identify a suitable location for a new centre and the ability to remain at our current site until such time as that centre was completed.

It was intimated during the meeting that a valuation and offer could be expected within six to eight weeks.

However, HS2 made no further progress until 2020, almost two years later!

2020 - 21

Despite continued pressure the valuation did not take place until 3rd August, 23 months since that meeting in 2018. The valuation report was dated 17th August but not presented to Border Collie Trust until 4th September by Mr P Lidgley (from Lambert Smith Hampton acting for HS2) on the very day a further meeting with him took place. This gave us no opportunity to be able to process the report and discuss fully on the day. The survey did indeed raise several questions in respect of the valuation, the most serious being the issue of the septic tanks and drainage at the centre  which will be seriously affected by the HS2 works.

In addition we wrote on the 28th September, this being the second time we had contacted him, to the HS2 Minister, Mr. Stephenson MP, asking for help in dealing with the impasse we found ourselves facing.  A reply to the letter of the 28th September was received on the 7th October which merely outlined the discussions of the meeting of the 4th September. The final paragraph in his reply reads, "It is important that the Trust takes active steps to secure a replacement facility now as the acquisition process is nearing completion. That is the responsibility of the Trust. I have, however, instructed HS2 Ltd to continue to engage constructively with the Trust to establish what further support could be provided."

Yet again a complete failure to understand we cannot find facilities without a firm offer AND agreement on all the compensation required.

Despite email requests to Mr. Lidgley sent on the 9th and 24th September, 27th October for an update on our responses to the valuation, no acknowledgment or reply was received. 

During the discussions on 4th September,  Mr Lidgley repeatedly suggested an offer in respect of the property could be made within four to six weeks in the region of £1million, dependant on the valuation, but also repeatedly refused to offer any real tangible support in respect of further compensation other than basic fees and losses that are statutory in these matters.

Further efforts, by email, to gain a response from Mr Lidgley and/or HS2 regarding these matters were sent on 10th November, 25th November, 17th December, 11th January 2021, 20th January 2021, 28th January 2021 and 1st February 2021

By the 10th February 2021 no communication or even an acknowledgement had been received from HS2.

In 2017 the NFU provided a reinstatement report on our current site to the value of £1,094,000. This would be the estimated cost, at that time, to rebuild our current centre. Our argument has consistently been that a full compensation package must take into account the costs to develop a new site to nothing more, or less, than the level we enjoy now. We now feel that throughout the past seven years we have simply been paid lip service to, with no real understanding of our situation and no serious intention to help resolve the difficult future we face.

Looking at potential properties over the last few years have made it very clear that any funds we receive in respect of the sale of our current site will in no way fund the purchase AND development of a new centre.

The Trust does not believe it should be penalised by this national project by using its own funds and the simple fact is, we do not have the amount of funds that would be necessary, without leaving ourselves financially at incredible risk. We are now seriously concerned that we could face the prospect of purchasing another property without the funds to develop and then in effect find ourselves "homeless" , through no fault of our own.

Issues with compensation packages across the route of HS2 have been reported on numerous occasions and our dealings to date with HS2 lead us to believe we will experience the same issues on the sale of our property and remove the hope we had for a fair and just result.  

We feel that this inaction from HS2 leaves us with no other alternative than to try to adapt to the next few years, the immense challenges we will face here at Colton and perhaps begin the long haul towards funding any future plans by ourselves. We await answers from HS2 with interest.

16th February 2021 - after several days of this information being made public and whilst of course coincidental, on the 15th February our agent forwarded to us an offer for our property dated 10th February. However, this offer was based on the valuation made on 3rd July 2020 and of which we have repeatedly asked for answers and further explanations. Those questions have at this point not been answered or responded to. The offer itself may lead to various other questions and concerns which will be considered once the valuation queries have been dealt with. 

21st February 2021 - complaints in respect of the failure to repond to our questions have now been submitted. We are told the valuation matters are being dealt with and appreciate the recent contact from HS2's Community Relations Department. We now need to see some positive action. In the meantime we came across an interesting story involving a school on Warwickshire that was losing part of its playing field for HS2. Somewhat similar to our situation and a precedent perhaps? - 

We have also relayed our difficulties to our MP, Mr M. Fabricant, he replied to us on 16th February - "Thank you very much for your e-mail regarding HS2. I was sorry to hear of the problems you are experiencing. I have, therefore, raised your case with the Chief Executive of HS2 Limited, Mark Thurston, and I shall let you have the reply as soon as it is received." 

9th March 2021 - a reply to Mr Fabricants letter is received, dated 8th March from Mark Thurston CEO HS2. As expected it fails to answer the questions we've raised and provides simply a history of the story so far. It is interesting to note there is no comment on the delay between September 2018 and July 2020 when apparantly HS2's agent and ours reached broad agreement on property value, a month before HS2 even carried out a valuation, other than it's claimed the drainage system has extended the negotiating process but this has now been resolved. That was not surveyed until the second half of 2020 and considering we have yet to see the report we certainly do not accept it has been resolved. We understood that "broad agreement" was little more than they expected the value to be between x and y. Hardly an agreement?  

In addition it appears the Trust has "more recently suggested it should be relocated based on equivalent reinstatment" Since 2015 and especially since 2017 we have made it very clear to HS2 we need to move from this property. A strange interpretation of "more recently" in our view. Following further discussions with our agent, they are now putting together a further response to HS2 

24th March 2021  - one of the complaints was to the Royal Institiute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) to the effect that the agent employed on behalf of HS2 to deal with our case failed on numerous occasions between September 2020 and February 2021 to acknowledge emails, provide information requested or answer questions asked of him. Yesterday we received the result of their investigation. "I understand it is a frustrating situation the member has not responded to all the queries asked on behalf of Border Collie Trust, but this was not a serious enough breach for RICS to investigate further" Their own Personal and Professional Standards says, "Members shall carry out their professional work with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regards for standards of service and customer care expected of them" We have rejected their decision and await the decision of the complaint to the agents own company. Meanwhile, we still await those answers.

2nd April 2021 - a response to our complaint with the company acting as agents for HS2 in respect of the failure to respond to repeated requests for information and answers has been received and can be summarised as, "At all times *** attempted to work with your agent to achieve a satisfactory conclusion that we could recommend to our client. In so far as some steps took longer than you would have liked we can only apologise for this and any perceived lack of communication at that is acknowledged that this period of the negotiation may have taken longer than ideal and again I offer my apologies." Perceived? so in other words the fact we did not get any replies and answers was just our preception. Never mind, I suppose an apology for something that apparently didn't happen was the best we could hope for!

We have recently commissoned a report from a specialist company designing and building kennels to outline the estimated cost of our relocation. This has been sent to HS2's agent and The Minister of State, Department of Transport outlining the whole issue of relocation and requesting a firm committment, from HS2, to agree their intention to fund accordingly. 

Meanwhile HS2's promises are once more questioned -

23rd April - With a request for a response to our latest information and supplied report, within 21 days, the inevitable lack of even an acknowledgment from either the agent for HS2 or the Minister of State, Department of Transport was to be expected. When our agent asked for an update on the 22nd April he was advised that HS2's agent is "still waiting for HS2 to provide instructions as to what he can say to me"

30th April - despite years of negotiations it seems HS2 still don't know who owns the rescue centre. Three separate letters received this week addressed, two to the occupants of the Trust house and one to the Trust requiring certain Health & Safety Information for the "property you own". I took great pleasure in responding -

"Thank you for the two letters today in respect of the above. As per my email yesterday regarding the one to my wife I will be returning the one addressed to me personally at my home address as I/We do not own the property.

Will you please ensure that your records are up to date and accurate and I request that you do not write to myself or my wife again. Please confirm that you have updated your records accordingly. Any further correspondence addressed to my wife will result in a complaint being lodged. I'm sure we can all avoid such unnecessary action very easily. 

In respect of the third letter addressed quite correctly to the owners of the property - Border Collie Trust (Great Britain) we will be delighted to provide the answers to your questions in a timely manner, once the answers to our questions dating back to September 2020 and a confirmation that your offer of full compensation is agreed and documented in a clear and unambiguous manner have been received. 

We look forward to such confirmation and answers." 

6th May - with no acknowledgment or reply to our email of the 29th April it was time to chase the matter up 


As the clock is ticking on your letter requiring information I thought I best drop you another email to clarify you've received the below? I appreciate that in order to deal with my request you'll probably need to establish a working group, establish terms of reference and carry out various engagements to formulate a plan, before ticking the box that says, "Do Not Mail".

However, a simple and basic acknowledgment of my email and request would be lovely. In fact I understand you can now get something to acknowledge automatically, avoiding annoying people like me having to keep asking if you have received my email. After all, we've all got plenty to get on with haven't we? 

And then, once we know and confirm that you have the owners of our property correctly recorded we can provide the information you need.

I look forward to your acknowledgement and perhaps confirmation in the very near future....go on, you know you want to  

13th May - following continued pressure by emails to Department of Transport and also from our agent to HS2, on the 5th May a member of the Land Acquistion Department at HS2 offered to meet us, again. Our agent responded positively on the same day asking for proposed dates for the meeting to take of today...we are still waiting for a reply! A chase email on 17th May received an automated reply that the person concerned is on holiday from 17th-24th May. Another three weeks wasted!
27th May - still waiting! In the meantime we have now arranged a site meeting with our MP, Michael Fabricant which looks like it will be taking place in July.
4th June - after further reminders from our agent, a date for the meeting with HS2 has finally been arranged later this month. 
25th June - at the meeting the whole question of compensation was discussed, discussed and discussed a bit more but no solutions were found. Our agent will now be meeting with HS's agent again to try and find a solution to this impasse. The next meeting was arranged for 4pm on Tuesday 6th July with HS2 sending the Teams link.
6th July - no further update or meeting arrangements had been received by 10:15am so an email was sent by us asking if the meeting was going to take place. At 12noon the meeting link was distributed by HS2 and the meeting took place at 4pm. As previously, much discussion and the outcome.....another meeting on the 3rd August, after the respective agents have had another meeting. I hope the trains run quicker than this resolution! 
3rd August - following further discussions between our representative and the HS2 representative a further online meeting was held on the 3rd August. The first nine minutes were focused on how/why/who should be responsible for taking notes of the meeting but eventually we moved onto the important issue. Unfortunately the only progress has been backwards. HS2 are now intimating that any "compensation" over their purchase offer would be "double counting" After five years of discussion they still seem unable to grasp the basics - the project takes a considerable amount of land away from us and the proximity of the railway makes it impossible for us to run our business here. They have now asked questions on what properties we have considered and this information is being provided. We have today written to our MP who has offered to take the matter direct to the Head of HS2. Frustrating does not begin to explain our thoughts. 
2nd September - another online meeting. Can be summarised as no progress.
October - further discussions have taken place between our representative and HS2. It appears their final stance is that they are prepared to make an offer to purchase the centre but that figure is, according to quotes we've obtained, possibly only a third of that required for us to relocate and rebuild elsewhere. Their position is that any other compensation in this respect would have to go to the Department of Transport and HS2 believe it unlikely they will agree. In blunt terms - they will not pay! A complete waste of eight years of discussions. We now consider what to do next. 
10th December - we contacted our representative as there'd been no further news for two months. His reply - "We were due to have a further conversation at 10am on 12th October but they pulled out at 09:50 that morning and asked for alternative dates and time. I responded immediately to suggest the same time on 25th or 26th October but heard nothing and despite chasing emails they have not suggested a further discussion." 
16th December - following an email a few days previously we received a visit from an animal care industry expert who had been engaged by HS2, "his brief is not to negotiate or otherwise the discuss the case but to look at what is on site, understand what you do and how the kennels work and them comment upon this in the context of the two proposals that have been proviede to HS2".
17th January - we established that the report from the animal care expert had been submitted to HS2. A few days later our representative advised us that HS2 are working on a proposal which will be put to us "shortly"
Early 2022 - seeing the writing on the wall in terms of any proper help from HS2 we began the process of purchasing a 6 acre field directly opposite the centre
11th March - no sign of the report that was going to be shared with us, nor the proposal. However HS2 continue to send three copies of everything to the Trust and the two Trustees who live on site who are aware and have to deal with any correspondance as HS2 has "a legal requirement to do so". It's just a shame they don't have a legal requirement to answer questions on the property valuation that took two years to complete, what they intend to do with our septic tank drainage once we lose half of our paddock, what the independant report said, what they can actually offer to support us rather than just keep stalling...the list just goes on.
31st March - after a number of reminders from our agent, HS2 finally provide the report following the visit on 16th December 2021. It tells us little we don't know but still no idea what the "proposal" mentioned on 17th January is.
2nd December - With so long since the last update you'd expect lots of progress wouldn't you? Although if you've read this far, probably not. The bottom line of six years of negotiations is that HS2 haven't budgeted for our case and therefore will not financially support a relocation. They can take half our exercise paddock, put a road and railway next to us but all we can expect is the going rate for the land they take. There may be a case for noise compensation subsequently but I expect that to take years (again). Our options have become quite limited as a result. Close or make the best of a bad job. We've chosen option two and are currently exploring options to give us somewhere to exercise dogs. The loss of half of the paddock, and the way it's cut in half affects the exercise of dogs in our care so much. Even this option is proving time consuming and costly but it is the only option worthy of 25 years of support for Border Collies here at Colton, our staff, volunteers and supporters.   

9th March - over 12 frustrating months of effort to protect our future are gradually coming to a positive conclusion on the very day it's announced HS2 plan to "delay" the project north of Birmingham. Good news? Who knows. Years of frustration may just amble along for years to come, meanwhile we are poised to spend a considerable amount of money so we can walk our dogs. Support or compensation from HS2 even less likely now! Thanks for nothing.

17th March 2023 - At last some good news 

For those who have followed the years of negotiations with HS2 (Happening Sometime) Railway you’ll be aware of the buffers we hit in December 2021 when although they offered to purchase the centre, they decided after almost seven years that they hadn’t budgeted for our full relocation costs. That would have left a shortfall of between £1.25 and £2 million pounds we’d have to find. An amount beyond our capability and long term financial future.

The loss of half of the paddock in connection with the project would have made exercising the dogs almost impossible on the land left. As a result Trustees began to investigate if we could purchase land, ideally, next to us to provide that land.On Friday 17th March 2023, after considerable effort, and cost, we are delighted to let everyone know we now own Fair Meadow a six acre field directly opposite the centre. Thanks to all the supporters, fundraisers and especially those who have left legacies this will now secure our future. It has come at a cost of almost £140,000 and although our representatives will try, I personally suspect HS2 will find lots of reasons not to compensate us fully. Time will tell. For now, let’s see the positives. When the project does eventually restart I’m sure it will be bring more challenges but we can at very least offer our guests land beneath their feet. Next we have to obtain planning permission for change of use, pre-planning advice was positive and then we have several ideas for the layout of the field.

12th June 2023 - The importance of legacies in our future and especially this battle

There is no doubt that our ability to cope with the difficulties thrown at us by HS2 would have been almost impossible if we'd been in a different financial situation. With always a thought that the support we would receive from HS2 might not be as hoped for we have been very prudent in our spending for the last 10 years but there is also no doubt that without the generosity of so many people who have left legacies over the same period we would have been in a very different, and difficult, situation. For example the purchase of the field to allow us to still be able to walk dogs cost over £135,000 earlier this year, while other associated legal costs and support in our battle with HS2 cost us a further £20,000 in the financial year 2022-23. Other plans have had to be shelved as a result but we are so greatul that we could at least battle on. 

Those costs haven't finished yet, we've had flood risk surveys, tree surveys, topographical surveys, bio diversity planning and finally planning permission to fund all leading towards the goal of just being able to walk dogs. And then there's the extra costs we will need to invest to our septic tank system which will be affected by the loss of land in our exisiting paddock to HS2.

It is the plan to "try" to recover these costs from HS2 but without the funds to do them in the first place we would have been up the provebial creek and I'm sure HS2 will be looking for every opportunity to avoid recompense, time will tell! To everyone who supports our work with legacies but also with a one off or monthly donation, using GIve As You Live the collies thank you becasue we wouldn't still be battling without that vital support.  If you feel able to support our work with a donation, a monthly direct debit or a legacy our website has all the details on these and many other ways to suport our work, thank you. We really couldn't do this without you.

6th July - Head and brick wall comes to mind

As I battle the "normal" rescue stuff I'm also fighting #HS2 emotions today. Last financial year we spent over £135k to buy a field to have somewhere to walk our dogs plus a further £13,000 on surveys and legal fees with no guarantee of any recompense from #HS2. I'm now looking out on holes being dug in our lawn as we try to find a way of making our septic tanks work once they take half of our existing paddock (that's another £2,000 thank you).

And then, an email drops in the inbox telling me we need to have "another" tree survey done in the new field before we can go for planning permission (that's another £1,300 thank you) and if we don't get the survey done by August we'll have to wait until next May for the survey to be done, delaying the whole process even more.

19th July

The spectic tank survey went well....not, as expected to be honest. The land is clay and so what we will have left after HS2 have taken what they want means that the drainage area left won't cope and therefore won't comply with Building Regulations. So now we have to look at at much more complex system that will comply and the even better news is that would involve more planning permission as well. The cost? Lets start at about £50,000 to £60,000 shall we. HS2 - back to you........ 

During email tennis on the 21st July and 24th July we, and our agent, asked for a meeting to look at the septic tank issues especially but also the rising costs the Trust are spending as a result of HS2. As of 31st August not a glimmer of any dates.......we've asked the question.....again

28th September 2023 - the planning application is validated by the local authority with a decision due by the 19th December 2023

October 2023

Since July we've asked for a meeting with HS2 to discuss the urgent decisions that need to be made about our septic tanks, decisions on a matter that has now been discussed for over seven years. Three times between July and August we asked, no reply. We pointed out when ourselves and our agent were unavailable and then eventually they responded to our agent while he was away on holiday. They asked for a Teams meeting that same day, "so we can better understand the issues with the septic tank"  Head...wall...bang

Following the announcement on 4th October that HS2 Phase 2A will now not go ahead, perhaps that explains why nobody wanted to speak to us for the last few months. On the face of it great news, the devil will be in the detail to see how far "cancelled" goes or could this project come back to haunt us in the future?

Menawhile, we've had a "tab" running since 2016 with all the invoices we've been presented with as a direct result of the potential effect of HS2 on our centre, total so far? £189,367.49, yes £189, fact an invoice for professional fees came in the day after the announcment. Who said HS2 was dead? 

23rd January 2024 - Planning permission is granted. However, despite all the pre-planning discussions that had taken place the local authority decide to impose two conditions that had never been discussed or suggested.

  • 1 - The enclosed areas we were having could only be used for the dogs between the hours of 08:00 and 18:00. That's not really an issue for us. 
  • 2 - Condition 2 leaves us speechless - In the rest of the field we were permitted to only walk one dog at a time between the hours of 08:30 to 10:00, 14:00 to 15:30 and 16:00 to 17:30. Apart from being included without any explanation or discussion we faced a situation where we could leave as many dogs as we liked in the enclosed areas all day, every day. But come 10:01 we couldn't get any of them out without carrying them, using a vehicle or teleporting! Meanwhile we have a wonderful field that can't really be used properly. And so began a new process for a variation of this condition which took until the 15th November 2024 and increased our expenditure on this project by a further £2,500. Fortunately common sense prevailed and we can now walk up to 5 dogs at a time between 08:00 and 18:00, although we have had to agree to only using half of the field for dog activities (which we intended to do anyway) I won't mention the fencing we've got to install to "make sure" nobody walks in that part!

And so, to date the planning process has cost in the region of £12,000 and our entire expenditure "thanks" to HS2 comes to  £194,207.19p. Of course we could sell the field to recoup that part of the expenditure but still leaves almost £60,000 we have spent on dealing with the project and would leave us at the mercy of any future resurrection of the HS2 idea. The question remains, "What would have happened if we'd not been in the fortunate position to be able to find this amount of money?" Drastic decisions on our future may well have been taken in the belief we had no future at all.

September 2024 - Despite the efforts of our agent we are still no further forward in obtaining any compensation for the almost £200,000 we have spent in anticipation of the land we would loose to the project, which of course was cancelled in October 2023. And now almost 12 months later, a revised "plan" to resurrect something through Staffordshire is in the news. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the paddock"

November 2024 - There's still no update about any compensation for the, almost, £200,000 we have spent in anticipation of the land we would loose to the project. But, we are delighted to report that after almost 3 years we now have completed the whole process to utilise the additional land we purchased because of HS2, despite some "interesting" conditions initially imposed by the local authority. 

To Be Continued........

Media Editors Note

Border Collie Trust GB is a registered charity 1053585. Funded entirely by public donation and support. Rescuing and rehoming Border Collies and collie crosses throughout the UK. In 1997 the Trust purchased its current site at Colton, Rugeley, Staffordshire. From 1997 to 2020 almost 9,500 dogs have been rehomed from the centre. Currently jobs are provided for 11 employees and our boarding kennels provides services for local, and not so local dog owners.