My first involvement with the Trust began back in 2000 when I applied for a part time position as a Kennel Assistant. At the time I was already working at a boarding kennels where I had been for 10 years since leaving full time education. Because of that I was a little apprehensive about changing jobs but it turned out to be the best decision I ever made!
Within 2 weeks I was working full time and shortly afterwards was offered the position of Kennel Manager.
Working in any rescue is such a rewarding job in so many different ways, I often walk around the kennels at the end of the day looking at each dog, happy and content and wonder where they would be if it wasn't for the work we carry out. I spend my days doing something I really enjoy.
In 2003 whilst helping at Crufts I was invited to join the Board of Trustees, words cannot explain how honoured I felt in being not only able to work with the dogs but also be involved in all aspects of the Trust and the decisions that are made. During my time at the Trust I have seen numerous improvements to the centre and it's thanks to everyone who helps and supports us that enables the Trust to continue rescuing and rehoming Border Collies throughout the UK
Rachel Corden